Academic Partnerships

The Office of Quality, Standards and Partnerships provides a key service to the University through the:

  • Maintenance, on behalf of Academic Board, of the University’s Academic Partnerships Register which formally records the University’s UK and international academic cooperative and collaborative partnerships.
  • Provision of advice to any member of staff requiring guidance on the University’s partnerships policies and procedures and on the operation of academic partnerships.
  • Implementation of the University’s Academic Partnerships Policy, through the operation of procedures to draft and approve agreements, including undertaking due diligence checks on proposed partners, prior to effecting a partnership arrangement.
  • Advising on all related quality requirements, for example establishing whether a partner is suitable for the exchange of students or curriculum mapping for articulation agreements.


The Academic Partnerships Quality Assurance Manual describes the principles underpinning both UK and international partnerships, and provides guidance for setting up a new partnership or renewing an existing partnership.


Additional guidance is available in the following discrete documents. Where relevant, the principles and processes in these documents must also be followed.


For further information or advice please contact Phil Sawyer, Academic Partnerships Manager, on 01522 88 6241, or email



Office of Quality, Standards and Partnerships